Our mission is to empower communities by creating innovative tools that spark curiosity and save lives.

How to choose between SIDNE and Roadster


Hello, I am Jamie Stebbeds with Innocorp, Ltd., makers of the Simulated Impaired Driving Experience (aka SIDNE), and exclusive distributor of the Fatal Vision Roadster Pedal Kart.   

In this video, we’ll help you decide between a SIDNE Electric Kart and a Roadster Pedal Kart as ideal options for your impaired driving simulations. Important considerations when deciding which option will work best for you include:  

  • Budget  
  • Space  
  • Operational functionality  
  • Age of users  
  • On-site training  
  • Off-road usage  


Product Comparison




Custom-built Packages Starting at $15,000.00

Starting at $799.00

Space Required

100’ x 100’

15’ x 100’



Designed to delay steering, braking, and acceleration, demonstrating alcohol-impaired driving.


Used with Fatal Vision Goggles to demonstrate alcohol-impaired driving.

Recommended Age

15-years of age or older

(participants should have a learner’s permit to ensure they are familiar with vehicle operation)

11-years of age or older

(participants should have the size and strength to pedal the kart)


Each SIDNE package includes an Onsite Training session at your location.

Training is not mandatory; however, it is available as an option for any Roadster package.

Driving Surface

Drive on flat paved surfaces only, such as a parking lot. Gymnasiums and other indoor facilities with obstruction-free areas are also ideal for a SIDNE course.

Drive on paved and unpaved surfaces such as parking lots, flat grassy areas, or playing fields.



An important consideration in your purchasing decision is likely your budget. If you have a limited budget for your drunk driving prevention program, the Fatal Vision Roadster Pedal Kart has purchase options starting under $1,000.00. 

Our custom-built two-seater electric cart, called SIDNE (Simulated Impaired Driving Experience), provides a more realistic driving experience and has multiple package options starting at $15,000.00.   



Another consideration when choosing an impaired driving simulator is how much space you will have available to use.   

Our Roadster Pedal Kart is a smaller vehicle than the SIDNE cart and requires less space to operate. A 15′ x 100′ area is suitable.  

SIDNE is a battery powered vehicle with controllable speeds between 4 and 8 mph and requires an area of at least 100′ x 100′ to allow participants to experience the driving simulator fully.   


Operational functionality  

The Roadster Pedal Kart operates by people-power through pedaling and requires the use of Fatal Vision goggles to demonstrate impaired driving.     

SIDNE is an electric vehicle that the instructor, using a remote, will toggle into impaired or normal driving modes. SIDNE does not require the use of goggles to demonstrate alcohol impaired driving.  The driver will experience erratic acceleration, delayed braking & steering response, causing missed turns and wrong-way lane shifts when in impaired mode.    


Age of users  

If you are reaching high school students or older, SIDNE may be right for you. Participants should be aged 15 years or older with a learner’s permit or valid driver’s license. This age requirement helps ensure users are familiar with traditional vehicle operation, including using an accelerator and brake pedal.  

In contrast, the Roadster Pedal Kart lends itself to a younger audience. Ages 11 and above can properly operate our pedal kart and learn from the simulated experience of impaired driving.  


On-site training  

Each SIDNE package comes standard with a required, full day of on-site training at your location, with the session covering course set up, vehicle operation, maintenance, and demonstration techniques.   

The Roadster Pedal Kart does not require on-site training; however, you may purchase training. Training will show customers how to use best practices when delivering a Roadster Pedal Kart program.  


Off-road usage  

Because SIDNE is an electric vehicle, it cannot operate on grass or other uneven terrains. However, the Roadster Pedal Kart is capable of off-road driving to increase the location options you have for running your course.   

To learn more or request a price quote, please contact us at fatalvision.com or call us toll-free at 800-272-5023. 




Jamie Stebbeds
Sales and Marketing Manager