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5 Resources for New Alcohol Awareness Program Ideas

Keep your program fresh and engaging with ideas from these sources.


These resources for alcohol awareness program ideas can help you create a program that will make a lasting impression on students.Teaching young people about serious topics like alcohol abuse is no small task. There’s a lot of competition for their attention, and engaging with them in a meaningful way can be challenging. That’s why it’s essential that, as an educator, you’re always looking for new ways to grab students’ attention, keep your lessons engaging, and encourage participation.


Here are some resources to find new alcohol awareness program ideas to help keep your program fresh and your students interested:

  1. Fatal Vision® Blog
  2. National Institute on Drug Abuse’s Teen Resource Page
  3. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
  4. Responsibility.org
  5. Safe and Sober 


Read on to learn more about where to find new alcohol awareness program ideas!


Fatal Vision® Blog


The Fatal Vision® Blog has dozens of articles offering facts and statistics on alcohol abuse and ideas for educational programs. You can filter through our blog posts to only include articles relevant to alcohol awareness and find ideas specific to the age group you teach. 


Here are just a few examples:


National Institute on Drug Abuse’s Teen Resource Page


The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is a tremendous resource for educators looking to augment their curriculum. In particular, the Parents and Educator’s Section section provides short videos featuring NIDA scientists answering common questions about drug and alcohol use in a straightforward, non-judgmental way. 


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration


The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) leads public health efforts to advance the nation’s behavioral health, and its mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness. Much of SAMHSA’s work is focused on the changes in habits that can lead from casual alcohol use to serious addiction and its toll on mental health — all good things to educate your students about.




This organization’s formal name is The Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility, and it aims to eliminate drunk driving and underage drinking by promoting responsible decision-making around alcohol. Responsibility.org offers valuable advice for parents on broaching the topic of alcohol use with their teenage children, but educators will also find the ideas and topics covered here helpful. 


Safe and Sober


Safe and Sober is a non-profit organization offering free video-based alcohol and drug prevention programs for schools and community groups. These videos complement hands-on alcohol awareness program ideas, like Fatal Vision’s lineup of interactive tools.


To learn more about Fatal Vision’s educational products and how you can use them in your alcohol prevention and awareness programs, please visit our online store or contact our team today.