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Dangers of Mixing THC with Other Substances

It’s important to incorporate hands-on learning when teaching students about the dangers of mixing THC with other substances.


Showing students the dangers of mixing THC with other substances can be a great hands-on learning experience in an alcohol and drug awareness program.When building an educational course for students, it’s important to address the dangers of mixing THC with other substances. This is commonly referred to as “polydrug” use.  We developed the Fatal Vision Polydrug Goggles and additional resources to help students understand the risks and dangers associated with polydrug use. Let’s take a look at how the goggles can be incorporated into an alcohol and THC awareness program.


The Dangers of Combining THC with Alcohol and Other Substances 

When showing students the dangers of combining THC with other substances, it’s important to share the facts. When THC is mixed with other substances like alcohol, prescription drugs, or stimulants, the effects can be unpredictable and dangerous. Use recognized sources, like the CDC, to share statistics and information.

Include hands-on demonstrations to effectively teach about the dangers of polydrug use and drive home the information. Incorporating the Fatal Vision Polydrug Goggles is a great way to show students about impairment in a safe and controlled environment. Using these tools effectively can help educate students about the risks of polydrug use.


Potential Outcomes and Side Effects of Mixing THC with Other Substances 

Mixing THC with alcohol or other drugs can lead to a range of harmful outcomes. Beyond immediate impairment, individuals may experience slowed reaction times, difficulty or slowed breathing, increased heart rate and blood pressure, and more (CDC). These effects can lead to dangerous situations, including crashes, injuries, and poor decision-making. Another great way to effectively teach about driving safety is a driving simulator paired with Fatal Vision Goggles. Fatal Vision offers the Simulated Impaired Driving Experience (SIDNE) and THC Course or Roadster Pedal Kart and THC Course. These driving tools provide students with an engaging and safe way to experience what can happen if they operate a vehicle under the influence.

It’s important to introduce “crossfading,” another term for polydrug or mixing substances, to students in a safe and meaningful way and show them the potential outcomes and dangers of mixing substances. Incorporating first-hand accounts and starting community outreach to educate are two ways to share your teachings.


The Importance of Understanding the Risks

Teaching young people about the risks of polydrug use isn’t just about sharing statistics, though that’s an important part; it’s about helping them understand how these behaviors can affect their lives and the lives of those around them. For instance, sharing information about how crossfading impairs judgment and reaction times can help students see the connection between substance use and real-world consequences, such as car crashes or interpersonal conflicts. 

Using hands-on learning tools, such as simulation activities with Fatal Vision Polydrug Goggles, can deepen understanding by showing the tangible effects of impairment. These interactive methods help students engage with the topic in a meaningful way, reinforcing the importance of avoiding polydrug use. 


Teaching students about the dangers of mixing THC with other substances (also known as crossfading or polydrug use) is an important part of a successful substance awareness message. Incorporating hands-on learning into your teachings will solidify the message and encourage healthier habits. To get started with Fatal Vision solutions or help answer questions about what products might best fit your educational goals, reach out to the Fatal Vision team.