Our mission is to empower communities by creating innovative tools that spark curiosity and save lives.

“Plan My Ride” changes lives in health class in Oregon, WI

COVID-19 upended life for many over the past year. However, it created an opportunity for the Oregon School District in Wisconsin. The opportunity was to test-pilot Innocorp’s interactive online training and immersive skill-building experience, Plan My Ride, with students.  The Plan My Ride course adapts easily to students because it is a self-paced curriculum. It […]

How to Teach the Effects of Alcohol and Marijuana on Driving

It’s essential to educate on the effects that alcohol and marijuana have on driving, especially if used in combination. Fortunately, Innocorp has developed several alcohol and marijuana educational products that help you teach about the effects of these substances on driving. Keep reading to learn about these products and how they can improve your alcohol education program.

Plan My Ride Provides Online Safety Training for Young Drivers

NEWS RELEASE  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  October 26, 2020   For more information, contact:  Jamie Stebbeds 608-848-5558  [email protected] fatalvision.com    Plan My Ride Provides Online Safety Training for Young Drivers  Verona, Wisc… Innocorp, creator of the widely used Fatal Vision® Alcohol Impairment Simulation Goggles®, has become the exclusive distributor of a web-based training program for young drivers […]

Selecting the SIDNE® Package That’s Right for You

  Hi, my name is Tim Jorgensen in product development with Innocorp, Ltd. Today I want to give some guidance on our available SIDNE® packages and the right option for you to help meet your outreach goals. SIDNE is our Simulated Impaired Driving Experience®, a custom-built electric powered kart that gives drivers and passengers a […]

What is the Future of Health and Safety Awareness Programs?

On April 20th, 2020, we reached out to you, our Innocorp customers and contacts, asking for your thoughts about the future of health and safety awareness programs in light of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Many of you enthusiastically responded offering passion, concern, and excitement about what your future programming may look like and where it may […]

How to Demonstrate Impairment in an Alcohol Education Program

Educators, law enforcement, and other community activist groups that teach alcohol awareness programs understand just how dangerous alcohol abuse, underage drinking, and drunk driving can be. If you teach an alcohol education program, you may be interested in hands-on tools to demonstrate impairment.