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What is a Texting and Driving Simulator

Learn everything you need to know about this distracted driving education tool.

Texting and driving simulators can help teach life-saving lessons about the dangers of distracted driving.

Nine percent of all teen motor vehicle crash fatalities in 2017 involved distracted driving, such as when using a cellphone behind the wheel. Texting and driving simulators can safely teach teens about the dangers and consequences of distracted driving in a meaningful way.

If you’re wondering what a texting and driving simulator is, this post has you covered. We’ll cover four of the main questions about this educational tool so you can learn everything you need to know:

  1. How do texting and driving simulators work?
  2. What are the benefits?
  3. How much do they cost?
  4. Which distracted driving simulator is right for my education program?

Keep reading to find the answer to these questions and learn why a distracted driving simulator is a great addition to your teen driving safety program.

How do texting and driving simulators work?

When you hear the phrase “driving simulator,” you may picture a virtual reality simulator. However, both the Roadster Pedal Kart and SIDNE (Simulated Impaired Driving Experience) electric vehicle provide a much more hands-on, realistic driving experience. When used in tandem with our Drowsy & Distracted Goggles, these texting and driving simulators show participants the experience of delayed reactions and other impaired effects that result from texting while they drive.

While both our texting and driving simulators have the same goal, they work differently. SIDNE is an electric vehicle, and the Roadster is a manually-operated pedal kart. SIDNE gives the closest experience to that of driving an actual automobile since it is motorized and has accelerator and brake pedals. It’s a texting and driving simulator that also has a passenger seat, while the Roadster is a pedal cart that’s operated by a single user. SIDNE’s passenger seat allows for the added learning experience for passengers as well as the driver.

Both the Roadster Pedal Kart and SIDNE electric vehicle provide a learning opportunity for onlookers. This secondary benefit makes these texting and driving simulators great for larger community events aimed at preventing distracted driving. There are a variety of activities and courses you can try on both the Roadster Pedal Kart and SIDNE to help keep your program engaging and fresh.

What are the benefits of a texting and driving simulator?

To effectively teach at-risk populations about safe driving, engaging educational tools and activities can make a life-changing difference. Both of our texting and driving simulators provide a host of benefits as an educational tool for your driving safety program. These are five of the main advantages of implementing texting and driving simulators:

  • Students encounter an authentic driving experience

The best way to learn something new is to get hands-on experience in that situation. Our distracted driving simulators provide a realistic glimpse into the dangers of distractions behind the wheel, without putting anyone’s safety at risk. They are a step up from virtual reality simulators because participants can truly experience the dangers of texting and driving.

  • Participants remember the experience

Ideally, the best education programs will teach in an engaging way so that students take what they’ve learned, remember it, and then apply it in real-life situations. Incorporating our texting and driving simulators into your distracted driving program curriculum can help engage students.

  • Non-drivers learn too

Students watching their peers use the SIDNE or Roadster Pedal Kart will see their classmates speeding out of control, switching lanes involuntarily, and braking erratically. Observing peers in this way can provide the same formative experience for those behind the wheel.

  • Adds variety to your teen driving safety course

Incorporating our distracted driving simulators provides a great deal of variety to your curriculum. Both of our texting and driving simulators come with guides that offer activity ideas and training courses.

  • Safe way to learn a dangerous topic

When you use a distracted driving simulator, participants will have a realistic hands-on driving experience without the actual dangers of the real situation.

Learn more about distracted driving simulators and their benefits here.

How much do they cost?

The Roadster Pedal Kart starts at $799, whereas SIDNE’s starting point is $14,890, depending on the customization(s) you choose. If you have a tighter budget but still want to incorporate a hands-on distracted driving simulator, the Roadster may be the best option for you. If you have more room in your budget or are applying for grants for your program, SIDNE may be an ideal option due to its added features. Both of these texting and driving simulators will provide a variety of benefits and potentially life-saving learning experiences.

Which distracted driving simulator is right for my education program?

First, the age of your participants can determine which texting and driving simulator will work best for you. Anyone who can operate a pedal kart can safely use the Roadster, making this texting and driving simulator generally better suited for a younger audience. To operate SIDNE, participants must be of driving age, so they know how to properly use standard vehicle features, like a brake and accelerator pedal. Both of our texting and driving simulators come with helmets, goggles, and other safety features included. You can learn more about our driving simulators’ safety features here.

When implementing SIDNE or Roadster in your distracted driving program, they both have different capabilities and space requirements to consider. The Roadster can be used both indoors, outdoors, and can even go off-road into grassy areas. SIDNE must remain on paved areas indoors or outdoors. SIDNE also requires more space, at least an area of 100 x 100 feet. The Roadster only requires an area of 100 x 15 feet, making it compatible with smaller areas.

Choosing the right texting and driving simulator to elevate your driving safety program can help you teach at-risk populations about the dangers of operating a vehicle distracted. The information about our distracted driving simulators found in this post can help you feel more confident in the decision-making process. To learn more about distracted driving simulators, visit our SIDNE distracted driving simulator and Roadster distracted driving simulator pages on our website or call 800.272.5023 today.

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