Our mission is to empower communities by creating innovative tools that spark curiosity and save lives.

Which Drunk Driving Simulator is Right for You?

Drunk driving simulators are powerful tools that illustrate the potential dangers of drinking and driving, without participants ever needing to take a sip of alcohol. But which simulator should you choose for your drunk driving education program?

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3 Types of Courses for Drunk Driving Pedal Karts

Drunk driving pedal karts are safe, hands-on tools that can help the community – especially youth – learn about the dangers of driving under the influence. Today, there are even more simulation options to use in tandem with a pedal kart. These options are both the Marijuana Impaired and Drunk & Drowsy Impaired simulations. Whether you are an educator with schools, law enforcement, the military, or another organization, these tools provide realistic and compelling learning experiences that can help save lives.

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The “Why” at Innocorp

In her role as chief operating officer of Innocorp, ltd., Deb Kusmec says the greatest compliment she ever received was from the company’s attorney. He told her he had observed that Innocorp “always did the right thing because it was the right thing to do,” not because of money or fame. He appreciated that philosophy and enjoyed working with people who had such noble intentions. “Everybody in this company behaves that way,” says Deb. “We like what we do, we love our customers, and we work hard.”

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Trauma Nurse Reaches Alternative School Kids With Innocorp Products

Kassie Campbell, RN, BSN, knows all too well how important it is to practice safe driving habits: As a trauma nurse at University of Missouri Health Care’s University Hospital in Columbia, Missouri, she sees the results of bad decisions every week. University Hospital is a Level I trauma center, which means that the physicians there treat the worst trauma cases in the area — including patients whose blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was more than the legal limit when they caused a crash.

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Fatal Vision Goggles and Intoxiclock Deliver a Startling Message

The town of Winchester, New Hampshire, only has a population of about 4,500 people. Yet, despite its small size relative to other New England communities, it still has plenty of places for residents to drink alcohol. At last count, there were five — all within walking distance of each other and in the center of town. In Missy Calderwood’s opinion, the number of bars is disproportionate to the number of people in the town.

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Grassroots Group Empowers Students to Save Lives

On the campus of Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, it’s common to see a handful of students driving around campus on a Fatal Vision® Roadster pedal kart. Their mission is simple: They want to educate others about the dangers of mixing alcohol and driving. They are part of Proyecto FIESTA XII, a campus group that trains students to be facilitators in traffic, safety and alcohol.

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Police Department Teaches Teenagers to Make Informed Choices

The White Earth Tribal Police Department’s message to young people is simple and to the point: Have a plan to get home safely. Studies have shown that people who have a predetermined plan are apt to use that plan when they are impaired, but those who don’t are more likely to climb behind the wheel of a car. When officers talk to classes and groups, they want to emphasize why it’s so important to have an alternative to driving when one is impaired.

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Texas RED Saves Lives with Innocorp Products

In Texas, motor vehicle crashes are often the No. 1 reason people seek care in emergency rooms. In order to be designated as trauma centers, hospitals must offer injury prevention programs that teach people how to stay safe and avoid crashes and other causes of trauma. Texas Reality Education for Drivers (RED) has made a name for itself traveling around the state to teach people about the dangers of driving impaired or distracted. And Innocorp, ltd has proven to be just the right partner — offering relevant products and educational materials that have made a true impact on thousands of people throughout the state of Texas.

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