Judges trained on DWI using Fatal Vision® Goggles

Did you know that some judges go to college for training once they’re elected? It’s true. One of the most important topics they study is DWI—Driving While Intoxicated. And at the National Judicial College in Reno, Nevada, instructors use Fatal Vision® Goggles as a valued educational tool.

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Celebrity wait staff serve up funds for SIDNE® in Virginia

Money’s tight all over in the current economy, and it’s no different for most law enforcement agencies. So when Kimberly Taylor, an investigator with Virginia’s Gloucester County Sheriff’s Office, wanted to add SIDNE® to the county’s outreach to high school students, she knew she was between a rock and a hard place when it came to getting the necessary funds. The creative solution she came up with brought the entire Gloucester community together with that single-minded goal.

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Phone Condom Promotes “Safe Text” – (Press Release)

“Distracted driving, especially texting and driving, is a serious and growing problem that is responsible for thousands of deaths and injuries on our roadways every year,” said Michael Aguilar, president of Innocorp. “The Phone Condom is a simple, fun to use device that encourages people to park their phone while they drive their car.”

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Party with Intoxiclock®

A New Approach

What’s the best way to teach young adults about the dangers and impacts of alcohol?

“Throw a party,” says Jane Alleva, of South Carolina’s Keystone Substance Abuse Services.

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SIDNE® Educates a Remote Canadian Community

When Jan Trim, President of MADD Whitehorse, flew into a remote Canadian community to educate the citizens about impaired driving, she had to kiss her SIDNE® (Simulated Impaired DriviNg Experience) good-bye and hope for the best. The usually “babied” SIDNE had to go ahead of her team in a different plane, due to size limitations on the aircraft flying into Old Crow. Old Crow is an isolated community that can only be accessed by plane or boat. But, bringing SIDNE along was worth the temporary separation, according to Trim, who called it an ‘excellent educational tool.’

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