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4 Drunk Driving Prevention Ideas for High School Educators

Use these drunk driving prevention ideas to help illustrate the consequences of driving under the influence to your students.


Share drunk driving prevention ideas with high schoolers to teach the dangers of driving under the influence. When it comes to educating young drivers about the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol, their high school years are an ideal time to begin the conversation and help them understand the consequences it can bring.


Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teenagers in the United States, and 15% of drivers between the ages of 15 and 20 involved in a fatal crash had a BAC of 0.08% or higher — a limit that’s illegal for drivers in every state.


That’s why it’s essential to help high school students understand the dangers and consequences of driving under the influence and ensure they stay engaged throughout the prevention program. These lessons are even more relevant this time of year, as December is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month.


Consider giving these drunk driving prevention ideas a try to enrich your educational program and help drive these important lessons home:


  1. Educate on the effects of alcohol
  2. Utilize local speakers and real-life stories
  3. Use statistics and resources from reputable sources
  4. Bring in hands-on tools and activities


Keep reading to learn more about these drunk driving prevention ideas and how you can incorporate them into your educational program!


Educate on the effects of alcohol

Many teens and young adults are unaware of how little alcohol it takes to impair their driving skills and reflexes. It’s important to find creative, safe ways to illustrate how even one drink can impact their reaction times and driving abilities, especially for teens and young adults who may not understand the way alcohol can affect their bodies.  


One safe, hands-on way to do this is with the intoxiclock® Pro kit, which gives students a visual representation of how their BAC level changes with alcohol consumption based on facts like gender, weight, drink choice, and drinking patterns.


Utilize local speakers and real-life stories

There are few educational resources as impactful as hearing directly from someone whose life was impacted by drunk driving — research local speakers who would be willing to visit your school to share their stories. If a speaker isn’t available or attainable due to your location or budget, you can also seek out personal stories online through audio and video.


Use statistics and resources from reputable sources

Sharing statistics is a powerful drunk driving prevention idea that can help explain the seriousness of driving after consuming alcohol. One fantastic resource is the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which puts on National Impaired Driving Prevention Month and offers a variety of drunk driving resources and statistics through its website.


You can also research state-specific resources for additional statistics and facts about drunk driving in your state.


Bring in hands-on tools and activities

Another drunk driving prevention idea that can help students stay engaged is using hands-on activities and tools that keep them actively involved with learning. Fatal Vision offers various activities and resources to help students take an active role in their learning and retain the information they learn for much longer than a traditional classroom lesson might.


Fatal Vision’s alcohol prevention tools include:

  • Fatal Vision® Alcohol Goggles & Program Kit – The goggles simulate the effects of being under the influence of alcohol. The accompanying activities help illustrate just how difficult it can be to complete simple tasks when one’s vision, reaction times, balance, and judgment are impaired.
  • Driving Simulators – Fatal Vision’s Simulated Impaired Driving Experience(SIDNE) and Roadster Pedal Kart can be used with the alcohol goggles to give students a safe, controlled way to experience firsthand the consequences of operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol.
  • Plan My Ride eLearning Program – This interactive program helps teen drivers build the skills they need to avoid driving under the influence or riding in a vehicle with someone who has been drinking.

To find more drunk driving prevention ideas and learn how Fatal Vision products can help engage your high school-aged students, visit our online store or contact our team today.