Our mission is to empower communities by creating innovative tools that spark curiosity and save lives.

4 Drunk Driving Prevention Ideas for High School Educators

Use these drunk driving prevention ideas to help illustrate the consequences of driving under the influence to your students.   When it comes to educating young drivers about the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol, their high school years are an ideal time to begin the conversation and help them understand the consequences […]

3 Drunk Driving Prevention Tips for Colleges and Universities

Help prevent impaired driving among students with these strategies.    According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the highest percentage of people who drive while intoxicated are 21 to 24 years old – 27% of all drunk driving fatalities involved drivers in this age group. Many people in that age range are college […]

FAQs About Our Vision Impairment Simulation Goggles

Find out everything you need to know about Fatal Vision goggles!   Our Fatal Vision® Impairment goggles are among the most popular tools we offer for safe driving education and awareness programs, and for a good reason. They offer a hands-on way for students and other program participants to experience effects similar to various types […]

Behind the Scenes: How Innocorp Created the Fatal Vision Impairment Simulation Goggles

Learn how Innocorp’s Fatal Vision alcohol and other drug impairment simulation goggles went from an idea to a finished product.   Working to keep our communities safe from needless injuries and fatalities is Innocorp’s overarching mission and driving purpose. Our vision is to revolutionize the health, safety, and prevention industry by creating innovative and engaging […]

4 Things to Know About our Drug Education Products

Learn about our suite of tools to help your drug education program.   Putting students in the “driver’s seat” of their education is a surefire way to engage them on a deeper, more meaningful level. The same is true regarding the serious topic of drug and alcohol education.    Drug education products effectively get students […]

Fatal Vision® Goggles a Hit with New England College Students During River Day

Opioid, marijuana, and alcohol impairment goggles used to engage and educate.   COVID-19 has disrupted all our lives. For New England College in New Hampshire, the pandemic delayed its use of three Fatal Vision® product kits — the Marijuana Campaign Kit, the Alcohol Campaign Kit, and the Opioid Program Kit — for two years. But […]

5 Resources for New Alcohol Awareness Program Ideas

Keep your program fresh and engaging with ideas from these sources.   Teaching young people about serious topics like alcohol abuse is no small task. There’s a lot of competition for their attention, and engaging with them in a meaningful way can be challenging. That’s why it’s essential that, as an educator, you’re always looking […]

6 Alcohol Awareness Program Ideas for College Students

Share the importance of alcohol safety with these engaging program ideas. Heading off to college is one of the most exciting times in a young person’s life, but with all of their newfound independence, it’s also crucial to teach them about alcohol safety. Here are some alcohol awareness programs to consider adding to your orientation […]

6 Alcohol Awareness Activities for High School Students

Learn how to reach student audiences with these alcohol education activities.   One of the great challenges for educators is how to reach young drivers best and warn them about the dangers of drinking and driving. Hands-on, engaging activities and resources are often one of the most impactful and long-lasting ways to get your lessons […]