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Which Drunk Driving Simulator is Right for You?

Discover functional, operational, and other differences between a pedal kart and electric cart.

Every 48 minutes, someone in the U.S. loses their life in drunk driving crashes. This staggering statistic accounts for more than 10,000 lives every year. As an educator, you know that these tragedies are entirely preventable. Through unforgettable hands-on experiences, you can successfully expose the community to this harsh reality, especially our most vulnerable youth. Drunk driving simulators are powerful tools that illustrate the potential dangers of drinking and driving, without participants ever needing to take a sip of alcohol. But which simulator should you choose for your drunk driving education program? Here are a few considerations to keep in mind: 

  • Budget
  • Space
  • Operational functionality
  • Age of users
  • On-site training
  • Off-road usage

Learn more about our drunk driving simulators and how to choose the right one for your drunk driving prevention program below.


One of the most critical factors in your purchasing decision is likely your budget. If you have a limited budget for your drunk driving prevention program, the Fatal Vision Roadster Pedal Kart is designed for you. Starting at $799, the drunk driving pedal kart gives the option to add additional course material to expand the learning experience.

If your organization has applied for a grant or has dedicated a larger budget to your alcohol education program, we recommend our custom-built electric cart called SIDNE (Simulated Impaired Driving Experience). This electric drunk driving simulator starts at $14,890 for the basic model or build-your-own package for the Ultimate SIDNE Version 7.0 experience.


Another consideration when choosing a drunk driving simulator is how much space you will have available to use it. Our Roadster Pedal Kart is a smaller vehicle than the SIDNE electric cart, and therefore requires less space to operate. A 15’ x 100’ area is suitable.

SIDNE, meanwhile, requires a larger area of at least 100’ x 100’ to allow participants to fully experience the simulator. These driving courses can be set up indoors in school gymnasiums, community centers, or other large indoor facilities, or outside.

Operational functionality

The Roadster Pedal Karts operate by manpower through pedaling. When used with Fatal Vision Alcohol Impairment Goggles, participants can experience pedaling the kart and the differences between drunk driving (with goggles on) and no impairment (with goggles off). This distinction will create a memorable experience that dramatically illustrates the dangers of impairment on the road. Participants will feel variations in their balance, vision, reaction time, and judgment. 

SIDNE is an electric vehicle that is low to the ground so that it’s safe from tipping. It operates either in impaired mode or normal driving mode – and does not require the use of goggles to illustrate alcohol impairment (though goggles are needed for marijuana-impaired and drowsy and distracted experiences). Featuring a steering wheel, forward and reverse switch, seatbelts, a brake pedal, and accelerator pedal, it operates similarly to a typical vehicle. While in impaired mode, electronics in this drunk driving simulator let participants experience what it’s like to drive while under the influence of alcohol. They can sense a loss of control, erratic acceleration and braking, delayed response, missed turns, and wrong-way lane shifts.

Age of users

What age are participants in your program? If Find out which drunk driving simulator is right for your drunk driving prevention program here.you are reaching high school students or older, SIDNE may be right for you. Participants must be aged 15 years or older with a learner’s permit or valid driver’s license. This age requirement helps ensure users are familiar with traditional vehicle operation, including using an accelerator and brake pedal.

In contrast, the Roadster Pedal Kart lends itself to a younger audience. Ages 11 and above can properly operate our pedal kart and learn from the simulated experience of drunk driving.

On-site training

Would you like to receive on-site training from our educational program experts? If you choose a SIDNE drunk driving simulator, you will receive a required, full day of on-site training at your site. These sessions can accommodate up to six attendees and run between 4-8 hours, depending on the package. The training session covers everything from the course set up, messaging to drivers from outside the vehicle, how to operate SIDNE, and general maintenance.

While the Roadster Pedal Kart does not include on-site training in its package, you can still receive optional training for an additional fee within the build-your-own package framework.

Learn how to properly incorporate a drunk driving simulator into your program through the help of our team.

Off-road usage

The last difference between our two types of drunk driving simulators that we’ll cover in this post is the ability to go off-road. Because SIDNE is an electric vehicle, it cannot be used on grass or other challenging terrains. However, the Roadster Pedal Karts are perfectly safe to take off-road to enhance the learning and educational experience.

Now that you better understand the key differences between the SIDNE Impaired Driving Simulator and the Roadster Pedal Kart, you can choose the right drunk driving simulator for your educational program. If you need help creating a meaningful hands-on educational experience for your students or community members, contact us today to learn how we can help.

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