Enrich your lessons with these hands-on, engaging products.
Research has shown that sending or reading a text while driving a car at 55 miles per hour is equivalent to driving the length of a football field with your eyes closed. And yet, despite that statistic and plenty of others that stress the dangers of driving while distracted or using a cell phone, it remains a common issue among young drivers.
Educating teens and young adults about the severe consequences of driving while distracted can be a challenge. But with hands-on tools and activities, you can help keep students engaged and ensure your lessons stay with them for years.
Here are some tools to consider adding to your texting and driving prevention program:
- Drowsy & Distracted Driving Goggles
- DIES Distracted Driving Activity Mat
- M.E.T.H.O.D® Training Series
- Change Blindness Distracted Driving Interactive Media Presentation
- Turn ‘N Learn Classroom Challenge
Keep reading to learn how these hands-on tools can enrich your texting and driving prevention program!
Drowsy & Distracted Driving Goggles
The Fatal Vision® Drowsy & Distracted Driving Goggles help participants understand the dangers of driving while distracted. Our campaign kit offers several different activities to illustrate this point.
The goggles feature two different impairment modes that can be used with the accompanying activities as part of a texting and driving prevention program:
- Distracted Text mode simulates the distraction that occurs when someone reads or responds to a text.
- Distracted Dial mode simulates the impact of a driver taking their eyes off the road just long enough to dial a phone.
These modes blackout the goggles for several seconds to simulate the average time a person’s eyes and attention are on a device rather than the road.
DIES® Distracted Driving Activity Mat
The Danger in Every Step (DIES®) activity mat depicts the layout of a typical neighborhood. First, the participant navigates around the mat without any distraction or impairment. Next, they attempt to navigate the mat with distractions, such as trying to type and send a text message.
These distractions will typically cause the driver to make errors such as missing turns, driving off the road, driving through stop signs, or getting into a crash. The resulting experience demonstrates how distractions take away a person’s ability to operate a motor vehicle safely.
M.E.T.H.O.D.® Training Series
The Mind Eyes Two Hands on Driving (M.E.T.H.O.D. ®) Training Series engages and guides student peer leaders to address the serious issue of distracted driving. This peer-led activity empowers students and offers an opportunity to use our step-by-step guide to design and deliver their own customized campaign.
Change Blindness Distracted Driving Interactive Media Presentation
Change Blindness is defined as a perceptual phenomenon that happens when a change in the driving environment occurs, and the driver does not notice the change. A prime example is a driver glancing at their phone for what seems like a brief moment when, in reality, several seconds have passed, and they’ve flown through a red light or missed a pedestrian coming into their field of vision.
The Change Blindness Distracted Driving Interactive Media Presentation guides participants through a series of driving scenarios to illustrate how distraction and change blindness can inhibit a driver’s ability to continuously scan their environment, evaluate potential threats, and execute any necessary maneuvers to avoid a crash.
Turn ‘N Learn Classroom Challenge
With the Turn’ N Learn Classroom Challenge, students are divided into teams, taking turns spinning the game show-style wheel, and answering questions. This fun and interactive activity makes a great addition to any texting and driving prevention program to help participants identify strategies for making safe decisions, learn important facts, and dispel myths about distracted and impaired diving.
In today’s world, it can seem like young people spend much of their lives on their phones, making it difficult to give their full focus and attention to anything else. But they must do this when the topic that requires their focus is a texting and driving prevention program.
The hands-on activities and tools shared here will help students better understand the dangers of distracted driving, and retain the lessons you share in your texting and driving prevention program.
To learn more about our texting and driving prevention tools and how to incorporate them into your educational programs, visit our online store or contact our team today.