NEW Fatal Vision® goggles combat mixed effects of alcohol and marijuana intoxication

July 29, 2021 


For more information, contact: 
Jamie Stebbeds 
[email protected] 


New Fatal Vision® goggles combat mixed effects of alcohol and marijuana intoxication 

Verona, Wisc… Innocorp, creator of Fatal Vision® goggles, released a new tool to help law enforcement, schools, and community organizations educate the public about the growing threat of drivers driving under the combined influence of alcohol and marijuana. The product is called The Fatal Vision® Polydrug [Alcohol and Marijuana] Goggles

According to Business Insider as of early July 2021, eighteen states and Washington D.C. have legalized marijuana. In some states that legalized marijuana years before, crash rates and traffic fatalities have risen post-legalization, according to The Insurance Journal: 

Crash rates spiked with the legalization of recreational marijuana use and retail sales in California, Colorado, Nevada, Oregon and Washington, new studies by two insurer-backed organizations, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and the affiliated Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI), show. 

Traffic reports have also shown an increase in fatalities with drivers testing positive for both alcohol and TCH (the psychoactive drug in marijuana) in their systems. In 2019 FARS reported that in Colorado 33% of traffic fatalities tested positive for marijuana only while 35% tested positive for both alcohol and THC. Moreover, 47% of Colorado drivers who tested positive for marijuana at a level of 5.0+ THC, also had a BAC of 0.08 or higher.    

Innocorp’s new Fatal Vision® Polydrug [Alcohol and Marijuana] Goggles addresses this menace to public safety through education and hands-on experience. The Goggles model the amplified impairment effects of the combined use of alcohol and marijuana. The specially designed goggles and activities demonstrate how this combination of substances amplifies the impairment of a person’s perception, balance, targeting skills, reaction time, and decision-making abilities. 

Educators and safety advocates are on the front lines battling emerging threats like drivers mixing alcohol and marijuana. Innocorp is providing the education and awarenessbuilding tools to help those fighting those battles,” says Michael Aguilar, Innocorp President and CEO.  

The product package includes the Goggles, a DIES® maze activity mat, a Tic Tac Two activity, print and online access to instructional videos and materials, and a backpack for easy storage. Optional product training provides experienced Innocorp trainers to work with an organization’s staff and supply them with more in-depth experience, confidence, and improved delivery to clients. 

Innocorp COO, Deb Kusmec explains, “Our trainers are veteran educators and prevention specialists ready to help you take your outreach to the next level. 

Innocorp develops and manufactures impairment education and awareness products, including Fatal Vision® (Alcohol, Concussion, Marijuana, Opioid, and Drowsy & Distracted) Simulation Goggles, SIDNE®, and intoxiclock®. Since its inception 25 years ago, the Verona, Wisc.-based company has supported safety education programs in police departments, post-secondary schools, high schools, the military, and many civic and community organizations in more than 100 countries.

