Our mission is to empower communities by creating innovative tools that spark curiosity and save lives.

Drug Education Products & Resources to Check Out During National Substance Abuse Prevention Month

Ramp up your education efforts this October.

Fatal Vision’s drug education products are a great tool to use during National Substance Abuse Prevention Month and throughout the rest of the year.National Substance Abuse Prevention Month is observed every October in the United States. This month-long observance highlights the critical need for education and awareness to help prevent substance abuse and create healthy and safe communities.

Community, law enforcement, and school-based educators play an essential role in helping students and young people learn the dangers of substance use and help them avoid the serious consequences it can bring. By varying lessons with different drug education products and resources, educators can ensure their lessons are impactful and effective this October and year-round.

In this article, we’ll discuss different drug education products and resources that educators can use to educate students about substance abuse during National Substance Abuse Prevention Month, from hands-on activities to resources they can use to keep their lessons current.


Fatal Vision simulation goggles

Fatal Vision’s alcoholopioidpolydrug [alcohol & THC], and THC simulation goggles are a great way to educate students about the dangers of substance abuse. These goggles simulate the effects substances have on our vision and reflexes, making it easier for students to understand the risks involved in a safe and controlled environment. Educators can use them to demonstrate the effects of substance abuse on driving ability, coordination, visual perception, and decision-making skills.


Hands-on activities

Activities give students a way to truly participate in their lessons and  engage while learning valuable information about the way substance abuse can impact their bodies and minds. When paired with Fatal Vision’s simulation goggles, activities like the DIES Activity MatsIntoxiclock Software, and Smash Match Impairment Challenge can show students just how much substance abuse diminishes our ability to carry out everyday tasks.


Driving simulators

Another selection of drug education products that can be used to amplify the impact of Fatal Vision goggles are the Roadster Pedal Kart and SIDNE driving simulators. These driving simulators offer a safe and captivating way to impress upon students the impact substance abuse can have on their driving skills and the consequences that can come with driving under the influence. Whether you set up a driving course outside or use the Roadster or SIDNE in a gymnasium, this is one surefire way to get students excited about learning this National Substance Abuse Awareness Month.


Our blog

Fatal Vision’s blog is an excellent resource for educators to get the latest information and research about substance abuse prevention, not just during October but throughout the year. In our blog, we cover a range of topics from alcohol and drug prevention education ideas to guidance on using Fatal Vision products, how the Fatal Vision simulation goggles work, and more. You can use this blog to find new and effective teaching methods for your education program, and plan out engaging lessons for National Substance Abuse Awareness Month and beyond. 


Additional resources

There are various government resources available for educators to use during National Substance Abuse Prevention Month, including Youth.govSAFEProject, and SAMHSA. These resources provide valuable information and tools for educators to use in creating their drug abuse prevention curriculum and connecting with a community of fellow substance abuse prevention educators and activists.

You can also find a variety of drug education products and resources, from fact sheets and articles to videos and educational DVDs, on the Fatal Vision Alcohol and Drug Educational Program Resources page.

National Substance Abuse Prevention Month is an excellent opportunity to raise awareness and educate your students about the dangers of substance abuse. With the help of different drug education products and resources, educators can teach their students about substance abuse prevention in an engaging and effective way.


If you have any questions about our drug education products and how you can incorporate them into your prevention programs, reach out to our team today! 

You can also find our full catalog of products here.