On the Move with SIDNE® in Kentucky

Drug education in Kentucky is on the move in more ways than one. Eastern Kentucky students in grades seven through 10 have been attending a new drug education program in a mobile classroom and using SIDNE® to drive home the point of the presentation.

SUM-It-Cup® Settles Zombie Wars In Alaska

Sum It Cup® and Fatal Vision® Goggles are the only hope of stopping a Zombie Outbreak. ORDER TODAY and help save the world! Charlie Daniels and Katie Daniels are in charge of a slew of Alaskan Zombies. They let the zombies loose on a group of University of Alaska-Anchorage students over a weekend in September. The results? The zombies inoculated students not against themselves but against ignorance about alcohol consumption.

Judges trained on DWI using Fatal Vision® Goggles

Did you know that some judges go to college for training once they’re elected? It’s true. One of the most important topics they study is DWI—Driving While Intoxicated. And at the National Judicial College in Reno, Nevada, instructors use Fatal Vision® Goggles as a valued educational tool.