An alcoholic drink in one glass does not mean it’s just one drink. Learn more in this standard drink unit poster.
An alcoholic drink in one glass does not mean it’s just one drink. Learn more in this standard drink unit poster. youcalltheshotsposter-lg2_2_autoxauto_5ae0aff15f9d3-jpg-keep-ratio.jpeg?1524674545 youcalltheshotsposter-lg3_2_autoxauto_5ae0aff21b005-jpg-keep-ratio.jpeg?1524674546

“You Call the Shots” Poster

An alcoholic drink in one glass does not mean it’s just one drink. Alcoholic drinks are measured in standard drink units (SDUs) and, depending on the drink, can have one or several shots of alcohol.

Item Number: SHOTS Poster



Show your audience how many standard drink units (SDUs) are in popular alcoholic beverages. Just because an alcoholic drink is in one glass does not mean it’s just one drink. Alcoholic drinks are measured in SDUs and, depending on the drink, can have one or several shots of alcohol. One SDU is defined as .6 oz of pure alcohol, the amount you will find in a 12-oz 5% beer, 5-oz 12% wine, or 1.5 oz of 80-proof spirits.

Underestimating the amount of alcohol in a drink can lead to inadvertent binge drinking and result in impairment levels higher than you may have anticipated. This brightly colored laminated poster illustrates the number of SDUs, as well as calories contained, in 52 popular alcoholic beverages. Use this information for an eye-opening presentation! 

This 20” x 28” attention-grabbing poster highlights:

  • 52 popular alcoholic beverages
  • Calories and SDUs per serving per beverage
  • Eight common myths about alcohol consumption