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Speed Kills: Preventing Teen Driving Fatalities

To the inexperienced driver, speeding and thoughtlessness are potentially as dangerous as drinking and driving.

Item Number: hrmSPEED



To the inexperienced driver, speeding and thoughtlessness are potentially as dangerous as drinking and driving. Every year, thousands of teens die in traffic accidents—often as a result of the teenage driver’s excessive speed, lack of experience, or inattention. This award-winning documentary features interviews with the survivors of a fatal car accident caused by a teenager’s careless driving. It warns of the real dangers and violent wrecks that face all teen drivers, and the psychological impact on the family. ©2006 Henrico County Community Partnership, CC

Grade Level: 9–College
Running Time: 16 Minutes

Includes: video, plus teacher’s resource book, student handouts and pre/post tests in digital format