Our mission is to empower communities by creating innovative tools that spark curiosity and save lives.

3 Scenarios Our Distracted Driving Simulator & Goggles Illustrate

Engage students with simulations of these common situations.


With a SIDNE or Roadster Pedal Kart distracted driving simulator and goggles, your students can safely see how even taking their eyes off of the road for a few seconds can severely impact their reaction times.Distracted driving can take many forms. Drivers may think they aren’t distracting themselves by briefly glancing down at their phone or picking up a drink or snack, but in reality, even these “small” distractions can have serious consequences. 

The Roadster Pedal Kart or SIDNE distracted driving simulators, when paired with the Fatal Vision  Drowsy and Distracted Driving Goggles, offer a unique experience to understand the impairments caused by these behaviors and the potentially life-altering consequences they can lead to. 

The Fatal Vision Drowsy and Distracted Goggles feature  three different modes to address the impact of distraction and drowsiness to assist you in delivering hands-on lessons that will not soon be forgotten. The specially engineered goggles “blackout” the wearer’s vision for brief sequences to help you address a variety of dangerous driving scenarios.


Mode A – Distracted Dial

Mode A of the Fatal Vision® Drowsy and Distracted goggles illustrates the consequences of momentarily taking your eyes off  the road to dial a phone, blacking out the lens for a period of three seconds.

When paired with a distracted driving simulator, users can clearly see how even looking away from the road briefly can pose serious dangers to their ability to steer a car and react to changes like stop lights or oncoming traffic.


Mode B – Distracted Text

Perhaps the most prevalent scenario our distracted driving simulator and goggles depicts is reading or responding to a text message while driving. To illustrate this, our goggles black out for 4.6 seconds, which is the average amount of time drivers lose their focus when they choose to read or type out a text while driving.

Just over four seconds may not seem like a lot of time, but when the goggles black out while a user is piloting a Roadster Pedal Kart or SIDNE, they can easily veer off course or face unexpected obstacles.


Mode C – Drowsy

The third mode of our distracted driving simulator and goggles shows the impact being drowsy or tired can have on our driving skills. The goggles accomplish this by illustrating momentary micro-sleeps, beginning with blackouts that are just half a second long and then ramping up to 10 seconds at a time.

These microsleeps are equally serious as consciously choosing to look away from the road to dial a phone or send a text message.

With a drowsy and distracted driving simulator and the Fatal Vision goggles, you can illustrate these everyday scenarios — dialing a phone, reading a text, and even driving while tired — in a safe, engaging, and controlled way for program participants. 

If you’re considering adding a distracted driving simulator to your education program, check out our blog on reasons why these engaging, hands-on tools make a great investment into your program’s efficacy. The summer months are also a great time to put these driving simulators to use, as distracted driving is more prevalent as people hit the open road for road trips and time off from school and work. 


If you’re just starting your distracted driving education program, our team shares tips on how to make your program as effective as possible in this blog post.


If you have any questions about the SIDNE or Roadster Pedal Kart distracted driving simulator, or the Fatal Vision Drowsy & Distracted Goggles, contact our team today!