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Safety Tips for Your Safe Driving Education Program

Ensure your presentations this school year are safe and informative for everyone with these helpful tips. 

Use PPE and create a secure environment to ensure participants’ health in your safe driving education program.As you present your safe driving education programs in school this year, it’s essential to not only teach students how to stay safe while driving, but also ensure students’ health and safety as you conduct the class.

Supervising the students, creating a hazard-free environment, and disinfecting any equipment you use will ensure class participants stay safe and walk away with valuable lessons about the dangers of driving while under the influence.  

If you’re an educator interested in creating a safe, educational driving and alcohol awareness program this school year, follow these tips:

  1. Disinfect your Fatal Vision Goggles regularly
  2. Use sanitary goggle masks
  3. Use proper PPE during your presentation
  4. Create a safe environment
  5. Ensure participants are always under supervision
  6. Keep control of the class

Read on for more information on keeping your alcohol and drug awareness programs safe and educational.

Disinfect your Fatal Vision goggles regularly 

As a critical tool to your safe driving education program, Fatal Vision goggles provide students with a simulated experience of how it feels to be impaired by alcohol or drug use. As the goggles are shared from student to student, it’s essential to ensure they are disinfected regularly between each use. Watch this video on how to disinfect your goggles properly. Having multiple clean goggles in use at presentations will remove any cleaning delays and allow you to focus on your audience.

Use sanitary goggle masks

On top of disinfecting your Fatal Vision goggles between uses, sanitary goggle masks are also available to further protect students. These sanitary masks help shield the part of the user’s face that comes in contact with the goggles. The masks are soft, comfortably fit most faces, and are disposable, so each student gets a fresh mask when it’s their turn to try on the goggles.

Use proper PPE during your presentation

Having all of the supplies you need on hand to run a safe, informative demonstration is easy with this PPE kit. The kit helps you protect yourself as the educator, as well as all participants of your program, with disposable disinfecting tools and personal protective equipment, including:

  • Germicidal wipes 
  • Sanitary goggle masks 
  • Face masks

Create a safe environment

Fatal Vision goggles are designed to be used in educational settings only, to deliver and reinforce meaningful and memorable lessons. Therefore, these goggles should never be used in a non-educational environment where an educator is not present.

Ensuring that the area where you’ll be conducting your presentation is free of hazards is another way to keep participants safe. Remove any potential tripping hazards and create a large space for students to walk around while they have the goggles on.

Ensure participants are always under supervision 

Participants should never use Fatal Vision goggles without the supervision of an instructor. An educator should always be on hand to supervise the use of the goggles, so no one gets hurt. You should also make sure you assign spotters to watch the participants who are using the goggles. These spotters can act quickly in case the participant is about to trip or fall or any other potentially harmful situation comes up. 

Keep control of the class

The final tip for a safe presentation is to keep as much control of the class as possible. Do not let things get out of hand; make sure everyone is respectful toward each other and have everyone participate in maintaining a safe and educational space. When possible, use Fatal Vision goggles in smaller groups with fewer students. These smaller groups are not only more controllable but also allow for better discussion and interaction. 

By following these tips, you can ensure your safe driving education programs are presented safely throughout the school year. To further enrich your educational programs this school year, shop our selection of hands-on activities, goggles, and safety supplies here.