Innocorp Invited To Participate In Global Youth Traffic Safety Month Kick-Off Event in Washington DC


April 29, 2015
For more information, contact:
Jamie Stebbeds

Innocorp Invited To Participate In Global Youth Traffic Safety Month Kick-Off Event in Washington DC

Verona, Wisconsin…Innocorp, the maker of the Fatal Vision® Marijuana Simulation Experience, will travel to Washington, DC on May 1st to participate in the kick-off event for Global Youth Traffic Safety Month at the National Collegiate Preparatory Public Charter High School. The event is being coordinated by the National Organizations For Youth Safety (NOYS).

Car crashes are the #1 killer of youth in the US and in many countries around the world. Youth-led campaigns like Global Youth Traffic Safety Month (GYTSM) promote safe teen driving through a peer-to-peer model. Innocorp will provide the opportunity for students to participate in the Fatal Vision® Marijuana Simulation Experience at this kick-off event.

“With marijuana use laws changing in states across the country, the public needs to be made aware how THC may impact their driving ability,” states Innocorp President and CEO Michael Aguilar. “The Marijuana Simulation Experience helps people understand these dangers through a hands-on and memorable activity.”

Students at National Prep will benefit from the lifesaving peer-to-peer education model that has proven especially successful in promoting positive traffic safety-related messages. “When students feel empowered to speak out against dangerous behaviors, their peers are more likely to listen,” said NOYS CEO Anita Boles. “Our goal with GYTSM is to give young people the tools to keep themselves safe on the roads while encouraging others to do the same.”

The event, which will kick off the 9th annual GYTSM features speakers from the Department of Transportation and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), along with education booths from Howard University, Toyota, Innocorp, National Road Safety Foundation, the ART of Driving, Ad Council, Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) and NOYS.

Contact Innocorp, Ltd. at 800-272-5023 or visit to learn more about Global Youth Traffic Safety Month.