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How to Teach the Effects of Alcohol and Marijuana on Driving

Make your prevention program fun and engaging with these alcohol and marijuana educational products.

These alcohol and marijuana educational products can teach the dangers of crossfading.It’s a well-known fact that alcohol and marijuana have a significant impact on driving skills and coordination when used on their own. What’s not common knowledge is that crossfading, or using alcohol and marijuana (also known as cannabis) simultaneously, amplifies their effects, leading to more intense and dangerous impairment and consequences.

It’s essential to educate on the effects that alcohol and marijuana have on driving, especially if used in combination. Crossfading doubles the odds of drunk driving and increases the risk of a fatal crash significantly compared to driving under the influence of marijuana or alcohol alone. The number of drivers who had both alcohol and marijuana in their system when they suffered a fatal crash has also increased significantly in recent years. 

Fortunately, Innocorp has developed several alcohol and marijuana educational products that help you teach about the effects of these substances on driving, including: 

  1.    Fatal Vision Alcohol Goggles and Activity Kits 
  2.   Turn’ N Learn Classroom Challenge 
  3.   Danger in Every Step (DIES) Activity Mats 
  4.   Fatal Vision Marijuana Goggles and Activity Kits 
  5.  Educational posters and floor banners 

Read on to learn more about our alcohol and marijuana educational products, and how to use them to increase engagement in your educational programs. 

Fatal Vision Alcohol Goggles and Activity Kits

These alcohol goggles were developed with input from law enforcement professionals and help you demonstrate the experience of impaired driving in a safe, controlled environment. There are five different levels of impairment available so that you can simulate the impairments related to a range of blood alcohol concentration levels.

Performing simple activities with and without the goggles helps participants learn how alcohol use impairs their judgment, vision, and reaction time in a fun, hands-on way. Accompanying activity kits such as the Smash Match Impairment Challenge help you add another layer of engagement to your educational program.

Turn’ N Learn Classroom Challenge 

The Turn’ N Learn Classroom Challenge is an educational tool that helps students learn about the dangers of underage drinking and impaired driving through engaging activities and games. This product uses a wheel of questions to get teams of participants to answer questions, role-play, and work together to learn about important facts, myths, and safe decisions regarding impaired driving.

This activity is effective in both a classroom setting or as a walk-up booth at a community event such as a safety fair or festival. The Turn’ N Learn Classroom Challenge also includes Fatal Vision Alcohol Goggles for use with the activities, so participants can experience firsthand how being impaired impacts their vision and coordination. 

Danger in Every Step (DIES) Activity Mats 

DIES Alcohol Activity Mats provide a range of interactive scenarios that, when used with Fatal Vision Alcohol Goggles, demonstrate to participants how alcohol impairment can pose dangers in everyday environments. Three types of mats are available — one depicting the dangers of balconies while impaired, one with a winding sidewalk, and one with a roadside sobriety test and stairs.

Fatal Vision Marijuana Goggles and Activity Kits 

Like the Fatal Vision Alcohol Goggles, Fatal Vision’s marijuana simulation goggles help demonstrate how coordination, visual perception, and reaction time are impacted by marijuana use.

These goggles and accompanying activities provide a safe and effortless way to engage participants of all ages about the behaviors that may occur while using marijuana/THC, including the dangers of driving under the influence.

Educational posters and floor banners

Alcohol and cannabis informational posters and banners are eye-catching and designed to encourage people to think about the impact recreational marijuana use has on daily life. Put these posters up in classrooms or post a retractable banner during special events. However you use them, the statistics on these colorful posters are sure to catch people’s attention and share thought-provoking facts about the potential impact of marijuana on driving, education, and addiction. Browse our selection of educational alcohol banners/posters and marijuana banners/posters on our website.

Crossfading educational materials

Any of the alcohol and marijuana educational products we listed above can be utilized in a program to educate and engage participants about the dangers of driving while simultaneously under the influence of alcohol and marijuana.

But our efforts to increase awareness about crossfading don’t stop there — be on the lookout for a product announcement related to the combination of alcohol and marijuana in August 2021!

For more information on how you can enhance your alcohol and marijuana educational program, contact us or call 800.272.5023 today. 

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