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4 Drowsy Driving Prevention Ideas for Young Adults

Help spread awareness of drowsy and distracted driving with these educational ideas.


These drowsy driving prevention ideas will help keep young adult learners engaged.Drowsy driving may not be illegal, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t dangerous and worthy of having serious conversations about. The consequences of drowsy driving are especially critical to share with young adults, who often don’t get as much sleep as they should.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), drowsy driving accounts for over 80,000 crashes, 37,000 injuries, and nearly 1,000 fatalities per year. Here are some drowsy driving prevention ideas to include in your educational programs to ensure young adult participants understand the consequences that can come with driving while tired:

  1. Drowsy and Distracted Driving Goggles
  2. Turn ‘n Learn classroom challenge
  3. Sharing the Facts
  4. Real life solutions

Keep reading to learn more about these drowsy driving prevention ideas, and how to incorporate them into your educational programs!


Drowsy and Distracted Driving Goggles

The Fatal Vision® Drowsy and Distracted Driving Goggles allow students to experience the impact drowsiness can have on their reflexes and driving abilities in a safe and controlled environment. The goggles are configured and controlled through Bluetooth using an app on your mobile phone. The goggles’ drowsy mode simulates momentary micro-sleeps that build in waves until the eyes and brain shut down. The blackout begins with a short half-second closure and continues to blackout for longer periods, progressing to 10-seconds.

The Fatal Vision® Drowsy and Distracted Campaign Kit includes eight different activities to engage program participants and help them experience the dangers of driving while drowsy.


Turn ‘n Learn Classroom Challenge

One of the best drowsy driving prevention ideas is to include hands-on, game-like activities in your program that will keep participants engaged and actively learning. With the Turn’ n Learn Classroom Challenge, participants spin the wheel and work together on teams to learn facts, answer questions about drowsy driving that help dispel myths, and identify strategies for making safe driving decisions.


Sharing the Facts

Teenagers and young adults have good reasons to be tired. With numerous academic, extracurricular, and social commitments, there are endless demands on their time and their still-developing brains. 

Teaching tools like drowsy driving goggles and accompanying activities are helpful for engaging students, but it’s important to also share statistics about drowsy driving to underscore its seriousness. 

  • According to the NHTSA, drivers younger than 30 years old accounted for almost two-thirds of drowsy-driving crashes, despite representing only about one-fourth of licensed drivers.
  • Approximately 1 out of 25 adults aged 18 years and older reported that they had fallen asleep while driving in the past 30 days, according to the CDC.
  • About 1 in 10 car crashes are due to drowsy driving, and young drivers (people between the ages of 16 and 24) account for more than 50%, according to the RAND Corporation.

Additionally, a few well-placed banners or signs around the classroom or campus can serve as a daily reminder for students to stay alert as they get behind the wheel.


Real-life solutions

Another incredibly effective drowsy driving prevention idea is to share tips with participants that they can apply to their everyday lives. The best —and most obvious — way to avoid drowsy driving is to get a good night’s sleep, but when this isn’t possible, here are a few tips to help drivers stay safe:

  • Avoid driving late at night when your natural drive to sleep is at its strongest.
  • Take breaks.
  • Switch off driving duties with another person for longer drives.
  • Listen to an engaging podcast, audiobook, or music you enjoy.
  • Drink a caffeinated beverage.
  • Stop driving and take a nap if you feel yourself getting tired.


To learn more about these drowsy driving prevention ideas, our hands-on tools and activities, and how to incorporate them into your educational programs, visit our online store or contact our team today!