Addressing Laughter While Using Fatal Vision Goggles
Use laughter with Fatal Vision Goggles as a learning tool to encourage participation and understanding. Incorporating engaging tools like Fatal Vision Impairment Simulation Goggles into educational settings can be a powerful experience. The goggles simulate impairment from alcohol or drugs and are often used to demonstrate the dangers of driving under the influence. But sometimes, […]
Vaping Education for Students: Enhancing Awareness
Students and educators understanding vaping and its consequences is vital. The increase in prevalence of vaping among young individuals highlights the critical need for effective vaping education for students. Vaping, often perceived as a safer alternative to traditional smoking, has emerged as a popular trend. However, this perception is inaccurate as there are significant health […]
Fatal Vision Goggles® help drive home safety education at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas
Fatal Vision Goggles® help drive home safety education at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas Officer Darin Franklin of the University of Nevada-Las Vegas Police Services takes his job to protect students seriously. “My main priority is to keep the campuses and the surrounding areas … safe,” he explains. In that capacity, he heads the […]
How to Connect with Students in Your Texting and Driving Prevention Program
Make an impact with your teenage students with these helpful tips. In 2019, nearly 40% of teenagers had texted or sent an email while driving at least once during the past month, according to the Teen Driver Source from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute. Additionally, in 2020, 7% of drivers ages 15-20 involved […]
25 Years of Making a Difference with Fatal Vision®
How a veteran police officer has made an impact with Fatal Vision® Alcohol Impairment Goggles. In 1996 Innocorp, Ltd. launched its first product: the Fatal Vision® Alcohol Impairment Goggle. Innocorp created this new tool to simulate an estimated blood alcohol concentration (BAC) impairment of .17 to .20+ and help traffic safety professionals deliver an engaging […]
3 Opioid Abuse Prevention Resources and Tips
Check out these resources to create an effective opioid prevention program. It’s hard to open a newspaper or turn on the TV without hearing an alarming new statistic about opioid abuse and deaths from opioid overdoses these days. The crisis is running rampant across the country, affecting people of all races, ages, and backgrounds. Fortunately, […]
The Science Behind Polydrug Effects
Learn what makes the combination of alcohol and marijuana effects so dangerous. It’s common knowledge that getting behind the wheel after consuming alcohol will undoubtedly impair one’s driving. Over the years, there has been a tremendous body of research on drunk driving, as well as countless public awareness campaigns targeting and discouraging driving under the […]
4 Alcohol Awareness Program Resources
Use these alcohol awareness program tips and tools to enrich the attendee experience. Alcohol awareness is an essential part of driving education. By helping participants understand the dangers that come with drinking and driving, educators can help prepare drivers to be safe in real-life situations and even save lives. However, preparing a curriculum that will […]
Safety Tips for Your Safe Driving Education Program
Hosting a drunk driving prevention or alcohol awareness program this school year? Check out our tips to ensure students stay healthy and safe in your safe driving education program.
9 Illuminating Facts and Statistics to Share in Your Drunk Driving Prevention Program
Help participants in your drunk driving prevention program understand the severity of driving while impaired with these illuminating facts.