NEW Fatal Vision® goggles combat mixed effects of alcohol and marijuana intoxication

NEWS RELEASE  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  July 29, 2021    For more information, contact:  Jamie Stebbeds  608-848-5558  [email protected]    New Fatal Vision® goggles combat mixed effects of alcohol and marijuana intoxication  Verona, Wisc… Innocorp, creator of Fatal Vision® goggles, released a new tool to help law enforcement, schools, and community organizations educate the public about […]

Fatal Vision® – It’s more than just the goggle

  Hi, I’m Tim Jorgensen in product development with Innocorp Ltd.  We sometimes get the question- why am I required to buy the entire activity kit and not buy just the goggles with some product lines?    When we design an educational tool, we start with the end in mind. “What is a safe way […]

Fatal Vision® Alcohol Goggles: Five Levels of Impairment

  Hello, My name is Joe Wirth from Innocorp, LTD. – makers of the Fatal Vision Alcohol Impairment Simulation Goggles and many other health and safety outreach tools. One of the questions I frequently hear when speaking with our customers about our Alcohol Impairment Goggles is, “What level of impairment should I purchase?” The correct […]

Laughter – A Key to Understanding

  Hello, I am Jamie Stebbeds with Innocorp, Ltd., makers of the Fatal Vision® Impairment Simulation Goggles. We sometimes hear the comment from customers that, “their students or participants have too much fun with the goggles.” I asked an educator for her reaction to those comments, and her feedback was enlightening. “laughter,” she said, “can […]

Disinfection of the Fatal Vision Goggles

  Regarding the disinfection of the Fatal Vision® Impairment Goggles. As always, we strongly encourage anyone using our goggles in demonstrations to wipe the goggles with the Super Sani-Cloth Germicidal Dispensable Wipe between each use and let air dry. The EPA and PDI has listed these wipes on List N: Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2, […]

The “Why” at Innocorp

In her role as chief operating officer of Innocorp, ltd., Deb Kusmec says the greatest compliment she ever received was from the company’s attorney. He told her he had observed that Innocorp “always did the right thing because it was the right thing to do,” not because of money or fame. He appreciated that philosophy and enjoyed working with people who had such noble intentions. “Everybody in this company behaves that way,” says Deb. “We like what we do, we love our customers, and we work hard.”

Innocorp, Ltd. Celebrates 20 Years In Business

Verona WI based Innocorp, Ltd. began it success story in May of 1996 after a harrowing family experience with an impaired driver. Starting with product being built on a dining room table, 20 years later Innocorp has grown to become a recognized leader in the development of impaired driving awareness and prevention tools and campaigns used by safety professionals and educators in more than 90 countries.