
Too Much: The Extreme Danger Of Binge Drinking

Against the backdrop of spring break overindulgence in Panama City, Florida, this documentary examines the harrowing and tragic consequences affecting underage drinkers who do not understand the real risks of out-of-control alcohol abuse.

Item Number: hrmTOOMUCH



Against the backdrop of spring break overindulgence in Panama City, Florida, this documentary examines the harrowing and tragic consequences affecting underage drinkers who do not understand the real risks of out-of-control alcohol abuse. It introduces two brain and alcohol researchers who take students on an eye-opening video field trip, using their tools of the trade (including MRIs and PET scans) to graphically show alcohol damage in the brain. ©2006  CC

Grade Level: 7–College
Running Time: 28 Minutes

Includes: video, plus teacher’s resource book, student handouts and pre/post tests in digital format