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Tactical Functional Training (TFT) Onsite Instructor Course

Join us November 7, 2023
8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Gateway Technical College
3520 30th Ave., Kenosha, WI 53144

(TFT) Instructor Course will serve surrounding law enforcement officers and academy instructors. Any officer/instructor/recruit looking for a reputable resource to help them improve their health and wellness and reduce their chances of experiencing an on-duty injury will benefit from this program.



Major Skills Taught: We will teach each attendee how to assess the mobility of shoulders/backs/hips/knees and their susceptibility to injury. These joints are often the most common ones involved in an injury throughout a law enforcement career, and instructors will be able to do simple assessments to identify whether these areas are at a higher risk for potential damage.

How to Form Life-long Habits – Attendees will learn basic principles of behavior change and forming positive habits. James Clears’ book “Atomic Habits” is the model for the outline, and all attendees will understand how to implement the following behavior change tactics:

  • Identity-Based Habit
  • How to reduce and increase friction in our environments
  • How to employ a commitment device (the most potent tactic for following through on a habit)
  • Rewards – why they’re essential to the journey of forming new habits

Mental Health and Wellness: Attendees will go through a book review of “Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement” by Dr. Kevin Gilmartin. We will discuss the side effects of the “hypervigilant rollercoaster” that law enforcement officers experience, how this affects their hormones/attitudes, and the simple tactics to regain control over this rollercoaster of emotions.

Academy Training Programs: We will also teach each attendee a comprehensive fitness program that they can follow if they can use to train academy recruits.