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Roadster Single-Seater Pedal Kart – Ultimate Package

NEW GRAPHICS–Choose from 3 new designs to make your experience unforgettable!

The Roadster single-seater – ultimate package includes all the necessary resources and accessories to set up a unique Roadster driving course to address alcohol-impaired driving, THC-impaired driving, and drowsy & distracted driving.

To order this product, please call us at 800-272-5023 or email [email protected].


Item Number: Roadster1SeatUltimate



The Roadster single-seater – ultimate package includes all the necessary resources and accessories to set up a unique Roadster driving course to address alcohol-impaired driving, THC-impaired driving, and drowsy & distracted driving. Each Roadster comes standard with assembly instructions. Assembly required.

Impaired & Distracted Driving Courses

The Fatal Vision® Alcohol Impairment Goggles, when used with the Roadster, will allow drivers to experience how the loss of balance, equilibrium, targeting skills, judgment, and reaction time can affect a person’s ability to operate a vehicle safely. This activity is a popular choice for safety professionals due to its ease of set-up, delivery, and messaging. 

Thousands of lives are lost, and injuries are suffered each year due to drowsy driving or a person’s choice to drive distracted. This new driving course uses the technology of the Fatal Vision Drowsy and Distracted Goggles along with the Roaster to allow wearers to experience simulated impairment from drowsiness or distraction. This will leave a strong impression on all participants that responding to a text message while driving can wait and why attempting to drive after a poor night’s sleep is not a wise choice. This is the course that your participants will talk about the most.

Marijuana/THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) affects the brain differently than alcohol, and the THC Impaired Driving Course with the Fatal Vision® Marijuana/THC Goggles, simulates that difference in a hands-on activity. Participants drive the Roadster through a course marked by cones, with LED lights indicating whether drivers should be turning, swerving, or stopping. When impaired by the Fatal Vision Marijuana/THC Goggles, drivers will see how impaired perception and response, useful field of view, and reaction time affect their driving abilities. This course is the real “myth-buster.”

Contact us for questions on availability, and delivery time or to request a price quote and accurate freight estimate for your selected products.

Package Details


  • 1 Fatal Vision® Roadster – Single-Seater Pedal Kart – Assembly required.
  • Impaired & Distracted Driving Course
    • 1 Fatal Vision® Silver Label Clear Goggle
    • 1 TVL® Lens Pack Silver
    • 1 Fatal Vision® Drowsy and Distracted Goggle
    • 1 Fatal Vision® THC Goggle
    • 18 12” rigid cones
    • 16 28” course cones
    • 1 Led light kit – some assembly required
    • 1. Dry-erase scoreboards with markers and eraser kit
    • 4 Rolls of course tape
    • 1 Roadster horn
    • 2 Backpacks
    • 2 Helmets with sanitary fabric caps
    • 2 Safety glasses
    • 1 Marking pistol
    • 4 Spray chalk
    • 1 Digital timer
    • 1 Mini measuring wheel
    • 1 Folding wood rule
    • 1 Box of germicidal disposable wipes
    • Stop/go paddle and arrow paddle
    • 1 Frisbee steering wheel
    • Educational materials (training video, course guide, and pdf poster)