The CDC reports 28,000+ overdose deaths this year from opioids overdose. It is very clear that America is in the grip of a serious opioids epidemic. This video and print package looks at the opioids epidemic through the eyes of four recovering young addicts: Jesse, Peter, Cindy, and Sam. By sharing their stories, viewers will learn how easy it is to transition from prescription painkillers to shooting up heroin. The young users talk about the devastating personal toll of their addiction and its impact on their families and their communities. They also talk about hope—hope to not use again, hope to get through the pain of detox, and the hope of a better, sober life ahead. ©2016 CC
Grade Level: 7–College
Running Time: 22 Minutes
Includes: video, plus teacher’s resource book, student handouts and pre/post tests in digital format
DVD contains Spanish subtitles.