Help participants understand the amplified impairments that arise from consuming multiple drugs simultaneously. When alcohol and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are used together, also known as crossfading, impairments are enhanced over the impact of either substance used alone. Users will find that their coordination is compromised, cognitive processing is distorted, and driving skills are negatively affected to an amplified degree.
How It Works: The Polydrug [Alcohol & THC] Goggles impair a person’s ability to perceive the visual cue of color and ability to maintain their balance. The goggles use these features to model drug-induced cognitive distortion (NOTE: someone under the influence of THC DOES NOT lose their ability to see colors). The goggles also cause a loss of coordination, targeting skills, slowed decision-making, and delayed reaction time. The result is the participant’s inability to make quick and accurate decisions and loss of motor skills, thereby demonstrating the amplified impairments and associated dangers of polydrug (alcohol and THC) consumption.