
All You Need to Know About Prescription & OTC Drugs in 17 Minutes

Program takes a close look at the do’s and don’ts of prescription and OTC medicines, informing viewers of their potential risks including abuse, addiction, overdose and death.

Item Number: hrmPOTC17



Teenagers often don’t realize that the chemicals in Rx and over-the-counter drugs are just as potent and addictive as illicit drugs like cocaine and heroin. Program takes a close look at the do’s and don’ts of prescription and OTC medicines, informing viewers of their potential risks including abuse, addiction, overdose and death. Even younger viewers will understand why medicine must only be used by the person for whom it was prescribed, and will be ready to heed the warning against the dangers of polypharmacy—mixing several medicines together in a way that causes a magnified and sometimes deadly reaction. ©2011 CC

Grade Level: 5-9
Running Time: 17 Minutes

Includes: video, plus teacher’s resource book, student handouts and pre/post tests in digital format