
Everything You Need to Know About Drugs and the Teen Brain in 22 Minutes

Compelling animation and smoothly rendered graphics, backed with a chill-out sound track, will draw in the target audience for this program about the physiological and behavioral effects of alcohol and drugs on teens.

Item Number: hrmDTB22



Using the latest research, this fast-paced program explains why the teen years are a critical time for brain development—and why drug use of any kind can derail the brain’s full potential when it comes to critical skills like thinking, remembering, learning and decision-making. Viewers learn the anatomy of the brain and visit a state-of-the-art research lab to see clinical proof of the damage that drugs and alcohol cause. Students also learn the basic functions of the brain, the role of dopamine in the brain’s reward pathway, and how drugs impact that pathway, leading to addiction. ©2012 CC

Grade Level: 7–College
Running Time: 22 Minutes

Includes: video, plus teacher’s resource book, student handouts and pre/post tests in digital format