VAPING – Alternatives

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Navigate a healthier path with these alternatives, steering away from the social and health pitfalls of vaping.

According to the

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

in 2020, approximately

3.6 Million

middle and high school students

in the United States report current (within the past 30 days)

use of e-cigarettes.

There are numerous healthier alternatives available. Discover how you can make positive choices to avoid the risks associated with vaping.

Alternatives to Vaping

Mindful Breathing Exercise

Practice deep breathing techniques to manage stress and anxiety, promoting mental well-being without the need for external substances.


Explore the world of essential oils and diffusers to enjoy pleasant scents that can positively impact mood and relaxation.

Herbal Tea Rituals

Replace the habit of vaping with the soothing and diverse world of herbal teas, offering both comfort and variety.

Physical Exercise

Engage in regular physical activities such as jogging, yoga, or dancing to boost endorphins and improve overall health.

Creative Outlets

Channel your energy into creative endeavors like painting, writing, or playing a musical instrument as a positive and fulfilling distraction.

Socializing Without Vaping

Foster social connections through activities that don’t involve vaping, such as board games, hiking, or participating in community events.

Healthy Snacking

Replace the oral fixation with healthier snacks like crunchy vegetables, fruits, or nuts to satisfy the urge without negative health impacts.

Educational Pursuits

Invest time in learning new skills, taking up a course, or reading, redirecting focus towards personal development.


Contribute to your community by fostering a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

Meditation and Mindfulness

Incorporate mindfulness practices and meditation into your daily routine for mental clarity and stress reduction.

Hydration Focus

Replace the hand-to-mouth motion with staying hydrated by sipping on water throughout the day.

Joining Support Groups

Connect with others facing similar challenges by joining support groups or seeking professional help if needed.

Tech Detox

Reduce screen time and digital device usage, promoting a healthier lifestyle and reducing potential triggers.

Travel and Exploration

 Plan trips or explore new places, providing a change of scenery and new experiences as a positive distraction.

Reading for Pleasure

Immerse yourself in books or audiobooks, allowing for an escape and mental stimulation without the need for vaping.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this page is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Consult with your healthcare professional before making any decisions about quitting vaping.

Take our survey on vaping alternatives and share your favorite choice! Results shared in real-time.


Vaping is harmless because it doesn’t contain tobacco.


While vaping products don’t contain tobacco, they still contain harmful chemicals like nicotine and other toxins. Nicotine is highly addictive and can harm the developing adolescent brain, affecting attention, learning, mood, and impulse control. Additionally, vaping can lead to respiratory issues and other health problems, especially when flavored products are used, which can contain even more harmful chemicals.

Check out this great video from Discovery Education!

Be Vape Free Virtual Field Trip
Discovery Education, CVS Health, CATCH Global Foundation