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Fatal Vision® THC Activity Training Course – Web-Based

This web-based resource covers, step-by-step, how to use the THC goggles and activities—ideal as a refresher for current customers or a must-have for first-time users of the THC kits.

Item Number: OL THC Seat AddKit



Preparing to use the Fatal Vision® THC Kits has never been easier. Purchase the course, log in, and review the materials on your schedule. This web-based course covers, step-by-step, how to use the THC goggles and activities included in any kit to help you deliver an impactful and memorable lesson about the dangers of THC impairment.

The entire course can be completed in under 2-hours, with individual sections available for review at any time for a quick refresher. Interactive elements such as quizzes, infographics, and videos keep the lessons meaningful and engaging.

Upon course completion, users may contact Fatal Vision® by Innocorp, Ltd. for a Training Completion Certificate.

You can purchase one seat for $249 and add additional seats for your staff for $99 each. If you want to purchase more seats, contact us at 800-272-5023 or [email protected].


  • Build confidence in using any of the Fatal Vision THC Kits.
  • This is ideal for a quick refresher before an event or for new staff members joining the team who are unfamiliar with how to use Fatal Vision THC Goggles.
  • Quickly access the training course through any web-based platform.
  • Purchase additional courses at a discounted rate for each staff member.
  • Increase the capacity and application of your kit.
  • Completing the course ensures that you and your team know how to use and apply the kit activities appropriately and effectively to deliver a meaningful lesson.