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Fatal Vision® THC Goggles

The Fatal Vision THC Goggles are only available for purchase in kits and are not available for purchase without the kit accessories and activities. The THC Goggles kit accessories and activities are essential to the Marijuana/THC Goggles in more accurately demonstrating marijuana-induced impairment.

Goggles are only effective when used with the activities in kits. Therefore, they are not sold separately.

Click Here to learn more about these kits.


Item Number: THC Goggle



The Fatal Vision THC Goggles, when used with the prescribed kit activities, deliver a memorable lesson about the impact of marijuana impairment to help you address such topics as impaired driving and substance abuse.

The Fatal Vision THC Goggles are available only in kit options. 
Click Here to learn more about these kits.

For customers that have previously purchased a marijuana kit and need additional or replacement marijuana/THC goggles, please call us at (800)272-5023 or email us at [email protected] for assistance.