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Dying High 2: Real Stories of Drugged Driving

Includes interviews with real teens who faced the horror of a drugged driving crash. Program urges students to think about the impact their actions have on loved ones and friends when making decisions about drugs and driving.

Item Number: hrmDYINGHIGH2



The original award-winning Dying High gave viewers an unblinking look at what happens when teens overdose on alcohol or other drugs. This new program moves on to the nation’s highways, where viewers follow an ambulance as it responds to a multi-vehicle accident involving teens and drugs. Viewers learn the driver severed his spinal cord and is now a quadriplegic. In addition to this compelling footage, viewers are briefed on the range of devastating outcomes resulting from driving under the influence of alcohol, marijuana and other drugs. Includes interviews with real teens who faced the horror of a drugged driving crash. The program urges students to think about the impact their actions have on loved ones and friends when making decisions about drugs and driving. It clearly gives your students the jarring realization that “this could happen to me.” ©2012 CC

Grade Level: 7–College
Running Time: 24 Minutes

Includes: video, plus teacher’s resource book, student handouts and pre/post tests in digital format